Sarisa is a Cooled LWIR Thermal Imager CLIPON designed for Konkurs Launcher.
Integrated with a LWIR cooled thermal imager, enables lock on to a stationary / moving target with the missile before launch. Operating in LWIR spectral range it has a state of the art high performance cooled thermal imaging camera for detection, recognition and identification of threats at long ranges during day-night and adverse weather conditions.
It is supplied with special mounting brackets enabling mounting in front of the optics channel of the Konkurs ATGM launcher.
It is deployed in CLIPON configuration with special inbuilt collimated optics, enabling user to engage with the targets using the same sight channel of direct view optics of Konkurs launcher.
The special collimated optics does not require any zeroing to be performed by the user before launch, improving operational performance.
Its ergonomically designed with absorbers around the housing to help protect it during operation, there is also an absorber as a face shield that protects the gunner’s face during missile launch.
- CLIPON Thermal Sight
- Cooled LWIR Operation Ideal for Cold Land Operations
- No Zero Required for Improved Operational Performance
- Long Battery Endurance
- Reduced Maintenance
- Designed as per MIL-STD-810G / MIL-STD-461F
- Konkurs ATGM Launcher Night / Poor Weather Operations